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"Competences built with Trust"

Life Projects Matter Logo




About me

I am a certified coach with over 20 years of experience in supporting and developing people, managing change, and optimizing performance in global organizations. My strongest qualities are:

Passion for collaboration and empowering people

• Authenticity, reliability, and a sense of responsibility

• Flexibility, adaptability, and continuous learning as a way of life


Coaching qualifications:

  • Performance Coaching for Leadership: The Institute of Leadership & Management

  • Professional Life Coach Certification: Empowerment Coach Academy

  • Leadership Psychology - postgraduate studies

  • Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming - iNLP Center

  • Mental Health Coach: iNLP Center (certification in progress)


Why I can help you?

If any of the following situations sound familiar, this might be the best moment to take action and introduce positive changes in your life:

  • Are constant changes at work exhausting you? Are reorganizations, new technologies, and processes making you feel like you're losing your footing? If stress and an overload of responsibilities are starting to overwhelm you, it's a signal that it's time for a change. Develop new skills that will allow you to adapt to changes more quickly, remain calm in the face of uncertainty, and find meaning in what you do.

  • Do you dream of being recognized as an effective leader? Do you want to build an integrated, energetic team that achieves goals together, feels good, and appreciates you as a leader? Now is the best time to strengthen your leadership skills and earn the respect of your team.

  • Do you feel like time is slipping away? Are you constantly choosing the wrong actions? If you want to regain balance and focus on what truly matters, it's time to move forward. Discover your strengths, priorities, and find your own way to a life that brings satisfaction.

Together, we will work on developing skills that will allow you to:

  • Adapt to change more easily,

  • Manage stress more effectively,

  • Maintain balance between responsibilities and personal values.

Whether you're striving for recognition as a leader, dreaming of a cohesive, energetic, and engaged team, or simply wanting to find meaning and balance in your life, working with me will help you achieve these goals.

Invest in a future where personal fulfillment goes hand in hand with real achievements. Start taking action today—discover the power of conscious choices and create a life that truly drives you!



I support people in discovering and realizing their full potential by offering tools and strategies that help build key competencies, achieve ambitious goals, and live in alignment with their values and passions.

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I create a world where everyone, through conscious choices, fulfills their dreams, building a life of authentic fulfillment and lasting success.

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